
坐落在科罗拉多州西南部圣胡安山脉的中心, Ouray is a charming small town renowned for its breathtaking natural scenery and outdoor recreation opportunities. 崎岖的山峰, 深谷, 还有风景如画的山谷, 奥雷周边地区提供了美国西部一些最令人惊叹的景色.

体验这一地区美景的最好方法之一就是开车兜风, 这让游客可以按照自己的节奏探索令人惊叹的风景. 从蜿蜒的山路到宁静的山谷路线, there are numerous scenic drives in and around Ouray that offer unforgettable views and unforgettable experiences.



这是一个很棒的半日游览. Be sure to plan a picnic lunch to take and enjoy just at the crest of the pass beside the stream. 道路是一个紧凑的泥土表面,可以得到“搓板”的地方. 这条路上通常有野生动物. 有些客人喜欢在傍晚鹿吃草的时候来此旅行.

Turn right 2 miles north of Ridgway onto County Road 10 when you see the highway sign reading 猫头鹰溪山口 and Silver Jack Reservoir. 这条路穿过几个大牧场,路上有岔路口. 继续沿着标有枭溪通道的标志走.

After entering the national forest area, you will drive past Chimney Peak off to the right. You might also recognize other sights from the movie True Grit, which was filmed in this area. As you approach the pass, watch for a beautiful meadow on your left surrounded by aspen trees. This is the location where John Wayne and the "bad guys" rode their horses directly toward each other, 在电影结束时开枪.

从通行证开始, 你可以继续前往银杰克水库,那里有很好的湖钓活动. 一定要跟着标志走,过了山口就走左边的岔路.

往返时间: 如果你一直走到水库,你可以很容易地在这个地区呆上半天. If you just drive to the pass and back, without much stop time, it would take approximately 2 hours.



The road to the famous Camp Bird Mine is a compacted dirt surface leading back into an area that was heavily mined for gold and silver.

就在欧瑞南边, 就在550高速公路的第一个岔路口, 在箱子峡谷瀑布的标志向右转,然后, 在马路的“Y”字路口, 继续左. 跟着洋基男孩盆地的标志走. 大多数汽车都能开到伯德营地矿,大约5英里. 不适合小间隙或低轮廓轮胎的汽车. 不要试图开到离伯德营地很远的地方. 这条路看起来还不错,但很快就会变得崎岖不平.

在Camp Bird路口有足够的空间可以掉头. Some guests like to park their car and hike the remaining 3 miles into the Yankee Boy Basin. Be sure to pull your car completely off the road in a safe place where it is out of the way of traffic.

去野餐. 有一些很棒的地方可以停下来享受一顿饭.

往返时间: 往返时间,不需要长时间停留,应该在1小时左右. 这样就有时间拍照了.

**This is a one lane road with a lot of traffic including heavy equipment and large trucks. 请大家注意,共享道路. 不要尝试,除非你准备在必要时倒车让车辆通过. 往上坡方向行驶的车辆通常有优先通行权, 但州法律规定,如果车辆不能在狭窄的道路上通行, 哪辆车更容易倒车,就必须倒车, 这可能是一辆小一点的上坡车. **



去西尔弗顿吧 & 返回

如果你没有时间欣赏完整的圣胡安高架公路, 这需要7个小时, 你至少应该享受一下通往锡尔弗顿的百万美元高速公路. 欧雷和西尔弗顿之间的车程令人叹为观止. 有很多“拍照机会”,所以带上你的相机!

大多数客人对这条高速公路上大部分地方没有护栏感到惊讶. Having no guardrails allows the road to be plowed in the winter because the snow can be pushed off the edge. 百万美元公路是一条古老的收费公路,建于19世纪80年代,由奥托·米尔斯建造. 就在熊溪瀑布撤离点那边, 欧瑞以南2英里, 奥托·米尔斯在“公路”最窄的地方设置了收费站。, 去收他的3美元.每辆“车”75英镑.

红山#1, #2和#3, 高耸于艾尔顿公园之上, 在阳光下闪耀着明亮的铁锈色调. 这种自然着色是由土壤中的铁氧化引起的. 一路上,你会发现山坡上点缀着古老的矿山, 风化的建筑和矿石堆积场. 从这些地区的矿山中辛苦地挖出了价值数百万美元的金银. 爱达荷矿场, 位于红山山口的Ouray一侧, 大约20年前关闭了采矿业务. 然而,他们仍在继续进行土地复垦工作. 这条路的去路和来路都很壮观. 作为额外的享受,秋天的树木真的很壮观.

往返时间: This round trip takes 2 hours, depending on the number of times you stop for photographs.


unawep - tabeaguache风景秀丽,历史悠久

This spectacular drive through the Unaweep Canyon to Uravan takes you through a land of contrasts from arid deserts to lush green valleys. 在这条历史悠久的小路上有许多独特的景点:Uravan, 其中60%的铀用于美国.S.'s first atomic bomb was mined; the hanging flume, an engineering marvel which turned out to be a financial embarrassment and maintenance nightmare; East Creek and West Creek, 由分水岭分开的两条溪流, each flowing in opposite directions; petroglyphs (rock art) attributed to the Uncompahgre people who inhabited the region from about 0 to 1300 A.D.

To start your trip through the canyon, drive north from Ouray and turn west at Ridgway onto Hwy 62. 在普拉塞维尔路口,沿着145号高速公路向西北穿过诺伍德和纽克拉. 就在纽克拉之外,141号公路向北转向乌拉万. Your canyon drive will end in Whitewater, a small ranching community just south of Grand Junction. Historical literature on the Unaweep Canyon and information on the above mentioned interest points is available at many of Ouray’s stores.

往返时间: 驱车前往白水风景区大约需要4个小时,不包括中途停留. 从大枢纽到欧瑞的回程大约需要2个小时, driving south on Hwy 50 & 550.



This 7 hour, 232-mile loop can be a long day depending on how much you stop along the way. 你会经过Ridgway, Telluride, Cortez, Durango和Silverton. 每个城镇都是独一无二的,所以要留出一些时间来探索每个城镇. 你可以从550号高速公路的任何一个方向出发, 向南通过西尔弗顿和杜兰戈,向北和向西通过里奇韦和特柳赖德.

决定你的路线, remember that you'll want to be driving between Ouray and Durango during the daylight hours. 圣胡安高架公路环绕着科罗拉多州最大山脉的一半, includes ancient lands of the Anasazi and many of the most productive mining camps in the United States. 这是美国风景最美的公路之一.

往返时间: 全程不间断游览大约需要7个小时. 你可能对梅萨维德感兴趣. It can take the better part of a day to visit the ruins themselves so don't try to include this stop in the round trip time.

The Ouray 游客中心 has a detailed Southwest Colorado map so stop by and request one. This map is very helpful in pinpointing the various attractions along the San Juan Skyway.





从欧雷到黑峡谷距离蒙特罗斯东部仅10英里,很容易开车. 北美没有其他峡谷有如此狭窄的开口, 纯粹的墙, 以及甘尼逊黑峡谷的惊人深度.

在杰出的公园游客中心驻足,从那里可以俯瞰峡谷. 从那里 you can visit any number of the many overlooks which vary in walking distances or drive the rim and see the entire canyon.

进入黑峡谷的非商业车辆收费15美元,行人收费7美元, 自行车, 和摩托车.

往返时间: Ouray to the Black Canyon and back will take about 3 hours of driving, 不包括站点.


大台地风景 & 历史性的次要的

虽然这条风景优美的公路在整个夏天都很漂亮, 秋天的几个月, 随着壮观的白杨树的颜色是黄金时间来驾车.

从Ouray向北行驶到Delta(1小时),然后向东转到92号高速公路. 就在三角洲东部,你将向北转向65号高速公路,前往雪松岭. 你将慢慢上升到10的高度,000英尺, first through the rolling hills of apple orchard country and then into the higher aspen groves. Be sure to look back as you rise in altitude since you have a magnificent view of the San Juan and Cimarron Ranges and the beautiful green valleys below.

The 530 square miles of the Grand Mesa makes it the largest flat-topped mountain in the country. 国家森林中点缀着220多个湖泊和溪流. 如果你没在欧瑞自带午餐, be sure to stop in Cedaredge and get a picnic lunch to enjoy on the Mesa at any number of spectacular locations.

往返时间: 从欧雷到大梅萨的旅行大约需要2个半小时. 从大枢纽到欧瑞的回程大约需要2个小时, 沿着50号公路和550号公路向南行驶.

Grand Mesa Lands End路


科罗拉多国家纪念碑 was established in 1911 to preserve one of the grand landscapes of the American west. 沿着7英里的环岩大道, 你会看到绚丽的色彩, 高耸的天然岩石群.

沿着Rim Rock Drive,有几条短小的步道通向峡谷. 也有很多俯瞰和两个带桌子的野餐区, 木炭烤架, 水和厕所. To reach the entrance to the 科罗拉多国家纪念碑, drive north from Ouray on Hwy 550 & 50号至大汇合处. 当你到达大枢纽的时候, follow Hwy 50 north to the intersection of Grand Avenue (Hwy 340) and turn left onto Hwy 340. 从那里, follow the signs to 科罗拉多国家纪念碑 to enter the park at the East Grand Junction Entrance.

进入公园的费用是10美元.每辆汽车00美元,行人、自行车和摩托车5美元. 游客中心在沿环岩路走四分之三的地方. 你将在西(Fruita)入口离开公园,进入340号高速公路. 向南转,沿着340号高速公路回到50号高速公路,然后向南返回Ouray.

Check for the Map and Guide for the 科罗拉多国家纪念碑 at the Ouray Visitor Center or pick up one when you get there.

往返时间: 驱车前往风景优美的科罗拉多国家纪念碑大约需要两个半小时, 不包括站点. 从大枢纽到欧瑞的回程大约需要2个小时, driving south on Hwy 50 & 550.



The mountains surrounding Ouray provide some of the most spectacular scenery in the United States, 其中很多人都开着普通的乘用车.

Some drives suggested here are paved roads; some are dirt roads. 在任何时候, 然而, 除非你超出了建议的路线,否则你需要四轮驱动的车辆吗.

您可以在Ouray游客中心获得科罗拉多西南部的免费详细地图. The following books are available for purchase at many of Ouray’s local shops: “Scenic Driving Colorado”, “圣胡安高架公路”, “百万里挑一”, “百万美元高速公路”, 《LPL外围在哪买》.


不管你走哪条路,一定要带上你的相机. 所有的车道都有值得捕捉的美丽风景.

2)开车和欣赏风景时请小心. 如果你想拍照,请在众多岔路口之一停下来.

3) Watch carefully for various curve and road signs and adhere to the posted speed limits. 另外,注意野生动物,尤其是鹿. 当有野生动物的警告标志时,要特别警惕.